

Living among and learning more about traditional water management for farming has been the focus of the time spent in Nyandira and the surrounding area villages. In Nyandira, there are approximately 4000 people. More than half are women. Due to land constraints, there is little migration.

Like other areas in the Uluguru Mountains, land, which is [...]


I am based in Morogoro; one of Tanzania’s fastest growing urban centers.  Morogoro Region has over 2.3 million people and is a major agricultural center. The region is surrounded by the Uluguru Mountains, (part of the Eastern Arc Mountains) which forms the main catchment area for the Ruvu River Basin. It is the Ruvu River that supplies most [...]

Arrived in South Africa

I have arrived in Gauteng, South Africa to start my research trip. Tomorrow morning I will begin by attending a two day conference – African women’s right to water: negotiating access and participation in the context of competing and conflicting international, national and local norm and institutions in Malawi, Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa. [...]

Week 6 - Final Week

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[gallery]This is my last week in Barbados. Being that I’m leaving Thursday, I wanted to comment on the last parts of my internship before departure. After having a conversation with another intern from Trinidad this morning it [...]

Week 5 - Barbados

Realizing I only have 10 days left in Barbados comes as a surprise. I feel like I just arrived! It’s been such a busy and fun internship thus far. I’ve finished my final report and have steadily been working on the case studies. Things are coming together as far as ‘work’ is [...]

Week 4

Ok, we are fully kicked in now in week 4. I spent the whole week staying late at the office every day, and continuing to work on my case studies when I got home. There is a lot of information to get through, but the case studies are finally starting to take shape so it’s [...]

Week 4 - Barbados

This last week flew by. Speaking with leading professionals and scientists within the sustainable community has been so intriguing and thought provoking. It’s great to know how many people really care about sustainability, climate change, and low carbon development strategies. It’s even better to know how many of those people are actually [...]

Capital BikeShare

Last week in DC checked out a bike from Capital Bike Share. Started in 2010, it had been the largest bike share program in the nation until NY City’s started up. It does retain the distinction of the largest owned, funded and operated wholly by a local government, though.

What a great program it is.  There [...]

Barbados Week 3

This was kind of a long week for me. I spent the majority of it looking through peer reviews, websites, Caribbean policies and implementation programs for the tourism industry, helping to finalize the survey, and finally sending the survey out. On the bright side, the week went by very quickly but not quick [...]

Week 2 and 3

A lot of work the last two weeks determining contacts to distribute our survey to, as well as finalizing the survey content, introduction and supplemental information.

We finally got the survey out, but we quickly realized that the time frame here may not be sufficient to collect an adequate sample of responses to base our deliverable [...]