Realizing I only have 10 days left in Barbados comes as a surprise. I feel like I just arrived! It’s been such a busy and fun internship thus far. I’ve finished my final report and have steadily been working on the case studies. Things are coming together as far as ‘work’ is concerned which, feels pretty good. Chris and I experienced “Cropover” this week too. The event is a tradition for certain Caribbean countries where streets are closed, a parade of costumes and people, fun is to be had everywhere to celebrate what used to be the successful ending of seasonal harvest. It was a lot of fun. Compared to other festivals or celebrations back home, it is like a Mardi Gras. There are floats with people trailing behind them, dancing, and entertaining festivities to enjoy by all.
This next week will be busy (just like the prior) for Chris and I. We will be composing the last parts of our case studies, polishing them, and then delivering to our project management team members. With any luck, we’ll get done early and take more pictures like these……