
Writing and Wallabies

This week has been very exciting! In my internship, we began the packing process because we are finally moving into our brand new offices and giant warehouse. We are all looking forward to decorating and creating a fun environment. I am just sad I will not be there for long because I only have 2 [...]

Auto Draft

Electromobility-Bus System

Greetings from Goteborg, Sweden. This past week was spent intensely analyzing the collected information I gathered during my pre departure phase. Comparing sustainability measures with laws and regulations, testing its cohesion with accesibility. Electromobility is the foundation that Europe has created which has influenced not just their mobility, but all facets of life. [...]

Tracking DC

Have been working on the STAR Community Index, a national monitoring and tracking system for communities. This was developed in conjunction with USGBC and is somewhat similar to LEED in that it is point based program with five possible ‘Star’ levels. It has seven categories that profile a city’s or county’s sustainability status such as, [...]

Hamburg Germany- Week 1

My first week in Hamburg was filled with unexpected surprises. At every turn something new and exciting like the Stuhlmannbrunnen fountain above which I happened across while accidentally taking the wrong train station on an expedition to find where I would be working Monday morning. Similarly, I stumbled across an annual music festival in [...]

Field Trips and Family

I had so much fun last week! I made some good progress on my research and spent two days on field trips. UNESCO-IHE was hosting a water learning week for a group of Asian delegates from five different countries. The focus was on “greening cities” in river basins. The field trips were part of their [...]

Writing and Research in Panama

The past week has been all about reading and research with some writing sprinkled in here and there.  I have taken some time to read one of my favorite books “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries to try to ground myself and refocus on the core values of business creation and use it as a [...]

Architecture and the Aquarium

So this week during my internship has been pretty slow. We are at a standstill waiting for the paper work for a warehouse to go through, but hopefully we will get the ok to move in to our new place next week. We have been thinking about how we are going to decorate our new [...]

Auto Draft

Week 4 Submission

Greetings USF Sustainability  Enthusiasts.
This past week marked my first week in Norway! The first phase of my
research included three weeks focusing on the capabilities,
techniques, and sustainable approaches for mobility in Central
Europe. During my time, I experienced record rainfall.  Flooding was
a major concern in Austria as many people were evacuated from their
homes in certain [...]

Warehouse Jackpot

This week our main goal at ettitude was to find a suitable warehouse and office space. We are drawing near to our deadline to move and things have been getting a little stressful. However, on Friday, we have hit the warehouse jackpot. Myself, the owner, and her VP toured a great warehouse. There was a [...]


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I am enjoying my time here at La Hacienda de la Norma very much. During the past few days I have been conducting interviews in the local community including the homeowner Nuri who lives on the farm. Nuri lives [...]