
Coming Home

So, my final week in Australia was bittersweet because I finally got used to my schedule and work and all the people, but I definitely was excited to come home. Unfortunately, being excited on a 14 hour flight to Los Angeles does not reallt sit well. My traveling was such a long experience with delayed [...]

STAR Community Index

Here in the District of Columbia Office of Policy and Sustainability, we have been continuing to work on the STAR Community Index, a new nationwide sustainability tracking program for local governments. Washington on DC is a number of pilot communities throughout the country.

Very similar to LEED, this program is designed to be a dynamic tool [...]

TEDx and Sustainable Timber Mill in Panama

Edward Tian (L) Me (Brian Clair) @ TEDx PuntaPaitilla

This week has been very exciting as TEDx PuntaPaitilla license holder and entrepreneur Ezra Masri invited the Kalu Yala business interns to an exclusive presentation “Catalysts and Visionaries“. The talks were fantastic and the presenters were top notch with Hector Aguilar the CEO of GE Central [...]

Hamburg Week 3

So time has a funny way of speeding up when you are busy and having a good time, today I realized that I am almost to the four week mark and way behind with my blog postings. Hooray for back-to-back postings! 

Week 3 at ZEBAU was really a great deal of data searching, scouring the internet [...]

Auto Draft

Time is flying by. It seems like yesterday we arrived. Yet, its been almost 2 weeks. Tropical Storm Chantal narrowly missed us on Monday night through Tuesday. It was close but we only suffered minor winds and heavy rains. The next day, the sky was bluer than ever. Everything [...]

Hamburg Week 2

Week 2 in Hamburg entailed a lot research about the Efficiency House Plus with Electromobility, including lots of help from google translate. For those of you unfamiliar, like myself about a month ago, Efficiency House Plus with Electromobility is a new building scheme currently being pushed by the German government. Through the use of solar pv, [...]

Energy Policy Research

Have been working on a review of the DC’s Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). Like many RPS policies in the nation, credits with significant monetary value are being awarded to less than ideal technologies; technologies that are not particularly new, innovative or environmentally benign and much less beneficial. The intent of most RPS policies is to create [...]

Masters of Water

As my time in the Netherlands comes to a close I have a few items left on my “bucket list.” One of those items is a visit to the Maeslant storm surge barrier. The barrier is located near Hoek van Holland in the Nieuwe Waterweg and protects the port of Rotterdam (the busiest port in [...]

Bocas Del Toro & Panama Canal

Panama Canal – Miraflores

Process of Passage Through the Canal

I have spent extensive time researching the Panama Canal’s history and the future implications of the expansion project that is expected to bring billions more in revenue to Panama. The canal is truly a sight to see and the entire process of a vessel passing [...]

Moving Week

This week was a busy one. We moved to our new office and warehouse and spent all week organizing and getting things set up like they need to be. There is still much work to still be done, but it is nice to have the space of a larger warehouse so more products can be [...]