
Washington DC 2nd week

Second week in Washington DC

To date, I have been working on two tracks at the DDOE. The first, with less time input, are two legislative projects. The first involves designing a program outline for beekeeping in the city to support the urban Ag goals, and then legislative language to support this program.

The next involves review, analysis and rewrite of the Renewable Energy Portfolio, with specific focus on biomass and waste-to-energy. Both of these have had some unintended and controversial aspects arise, such as RECs (renewable energy credits) being purchased for electricity generated in paper mills from the burning of a particularly dirty fuel – black liquor- a mill process by-product.

Inclusion of waste-to-energy, of course, often means incineration. RECS are also being purchased for power from an older and no longer efficient incinerator in a neighboring state. Air quality and social equity concerns have followed.

It was suggested to remove these categories from Tier 1 eligibility. I do not want to eliminate either, but would rather specify expected high levels of efficiency and emissions. There are some really interesting new low pressure, low temp, technologies on the horizon that seem as if they may become feasible in the American, low-energy-cost, market.  This is a rapidly evolving field, so I do not want to preclude future opportunities.

Next assignment involves a longer term project of developing a matrix for tracking and monitoring the individual action steps and larger goals of the Sustainable DC plan. This effort will be informed by using the STAR community index developed through ICLEI as a platform.

Last, but not least, also following the proposed new Green Infrastructure regulations that have been released for public comment period.  These will then be revised to incorporate the comments and suggestions and be sent to City Council for a vote in Sept. This is a major step in moving several years of successful incentive and rebate programs forward into code. This will further support and drive the City’s green roof program as well as the City-wide LID and tree canopy goals.

Ann Pierce

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