
Auto Draft

Electromobility-Bus System

Greetings from Goteborg, Sweden. This past week was spent intensely analyzing the collected information I gathered during my pre departure phase. Comparing sustainability measures with laws and regulations, testing its cohesion with accesibility. Electromobility is the foundation that Europe has created which has influenced not just their mobility, but all facets of life. Working meticulously on the final project, I am in the conclusion stage where I report my findings from field reports and research. A reoccuring finding is that technologies are constantly evolving into new, more sustainable, and financially responsible methods. In just a few years there will be new tunnels, with fans that accumulate the exhaust from vehicles, recycling it as a clean energy. The opportunities are limitless and it has been the opportunity of a lifetime to learn of these wonders. Pictures will be coming soon after I can overcome the technological difficulty. Regards,

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